The first Family Friday of third grade was yesterday! Penny is still in the mini-school, so we drop her off in the big yard and she takes herself inside. We were so excited to get to join her for a peek into what her days are like.
When we got n, we received our assignment - dressing up paper dolls for Halloween. Penny made a witch and we collaborated on a Nearly Headless Nick that I'm pretty proud of:
Milo had Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday off of school for Sukkot, so he's been staying home with Sara, our sitter. Sara has discovered Milo's main weakness
She is also a musician, and was going to record after her day with us, which meant she had a French horn with her. I tried to play it, and it is genuinely hard, but neither kid has a problem with it. This video is after Milo stopped scaring himself by making sound:
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