Wednesday, June 2, 2010

memorial day!

we had an absolutely amazing memorial day weekend.  not only did we get a whole lot of relaxation and hang out time, we got a ton of stuff done!
penny has moved on from cereal to bananas, and the difference in eating is incredible.  she has really gotten the hang of the spoon-in-mouth rhythm, and is keeping remarkable amounts of food in her mouth and off of her bib! i hesitate to even mention it for fear that it will change, but she has been sleeping pretty consistently from 7:30ish - 6:30ish.  this is quite possibly the most amazing thing that ever happened in the history of the world.  i never thought i would be grateful to be sleeping until 6:30, but five months with very interrupted sleep will do that to a person, i guess.
i have absolutely no idea about the order in or days on which things occurred.  i know that we cleaned the entire apartment, went to the framers and the bank, went grocery shopping, bought wine, went to a picnic in the park, two barbecues, the gowanus food truck festival and had an amazing time.  i also know that penny finally got the opportunity to wear these:

and that i took this, my new favorite photo of penny:

i was told that it doesn't count as a real memorial day weekend unless you take a hilarious photo of a baby and a beer, so here you go!  proof that it was, in fact, memorial day!  hope yours was as great as ours!

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